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JOMH Episode 54: You’re Not a F@$#ing Victim with Andy Stumpf

JOMH Episode 54: You’re Not a F@$#ing Victim with Andy Stumpf

View Original: The Journal Of Mountain Hunting


On this episode Adam welcomes retired Navy SEAL Andy Stumpf on to the show.

Andy is a breath of fresh air in today’s day and age. He’s not afraid to speak his mind and tackle subjects that most people avoid like the plague.

His blog and podcast are worth exploring in-depth and although he covers very little hunting material, the subjects he does devote his attention to are timely and incredibly important.

Andy and Adam dive into his time in “The Teams” and the lessons and life experiences he’s carried into his new life as an outspoken advocate for thinking before you speak (or post) and taking responsibility for your actions and the things you care about most.

Andy is especially vocal about the common thread of “victimization” that seems to afflict so many people that live otherwise sheltered and comfortable lives. His travels to some of the darkest and most dangerous corners of the globe have provided him with a perspective that is not to be ignored.

This is the kick in the ass a lot of us need these days!

Podcast: www.clearedhotpodcast.com
Blog: www.confessionsofanidiot.com
Instagram: @andystumpf212

JOMH Episode 55: Turning the Tables

JOMH Episode 55: Turning the Tables

Review: Floorless Pyramid Shootout

Review: Floorless Pyramid Shootout